
Showing posts from December, 2023

My Contributions in EDTC 300?

This is my final blog post for EDTC 300.             Depending on who's reading this, you may or may not know me.  To one person, I might be some ghost you never knew was part of the class, and to another, I might be someone who was with you in a breakout group or a comment on one of your blog posts. I'm not an easily outspoken person so I've had hesitations about sharing my thoughts with larger groups, especially with a pool of highly intelligent and expressive peers. Nevertheless, one of the things I enjoyed about this course was hearing and seeing all the different experiences and voices of everyone. I probably left more comments saying I liked what I was seeing than giving real and useful advice. Some comments that I was able to find:      Most (if not all) of these were comments on other people's blog posts. In addition to reading the specific posts, my attention would wander to other things they have on their eProfiles (or Edusites). I realized how valuable and im

The Final Poetry Collection

       This learning project was an incredible opportunity to explore my creativity . It was also an outlet-- a way to express myself and my thoughts. It was an honor to spend some time each week rediscovering my passion for creative writing. Some people aren't so fortunate to find fulfillment in something they've learned to do. For me, writing poetry was more than a learning project, it was an extension of my taking care of myself. I think what stands out from other hobbies and interests I've pursued before is tech integration. For these 13 weeks, I used tech and digital resources to support my learning journey.       Researching different poetry forms was not a hard task. Thanks to Savannah Jackson at Jericho Writers , I was able to collect a list of forms to explore. Although the selection for each week was picked randomly, I never minded any of them. In fact, I was pleasantly surprised by the ones I was unfamiliar with. Some poetry forms were just interesting and challe

The Summary of Learning

 I can't believe that it's the end of the ride. It's been an amazing 13 weeks with everyone in EDTC 300. I'm so grateful for the memories I made and the lessons I learned. I couldn't have done it without you! Here's my summary of learning: For the past thirteen weeks, I’ve been preparing and equipping myself with invaluable knowledge of digital literacy and of tools and resources to carry forward into my teaching. At the beginning of this semester, technology was an area that intimidated me. It is constantly changing, and as teachers, we will be challenged to adapt to the world around us and to the students who will later succeed us. That’s why I felt strongly inclined to learn about integrating technology in education, but there are so much more that I did not expect to learn. Whether it be coding, trying a new resource, or discussing sensitive topics, I felt myself being pushed out of my comfort zone into this intimidating space. A