
Showing posts from September, 2023

The Ballad: "Lover's First Steps"

 I pulled out from the bag this week's chosen poetry form, and it was the Ballad (or Ballade).  Last week when I proposed my learning project, I think I failed to introduce it properly. Here is my redemption: I went on to search for different poem types and found 25 Different Types of Poem to Explore by Savannah Jackson. I wrote each of these on small papers and folded them haphazardly into this equally small bag. Like I did this week, I took one of these papers, and the poetry style written is the lucky one for the week.  I took this poetry form to a Google search and looked at its features. Did you know that a ballad poem traditionally consisted of quatrains with rhyming 'abcb'? It was originally a hit during the late medieval period and was designed to be sung and danced to. Ballad poems were intended to tell stories with musical accompaniment. I looked at many sites to learn about ballads like the following: Ballad by The Poetry Foundation Ballad by Ballade P

I Didn't Choose the Tech Life; the Tech Life Chose Me

     In one of my other courses this fall, I was challenged to a 24-hour "Unplugged" from technology. Regardless of my fighting spirit, I failed miserably. As soon as my eyes fell upon the phone in my hand, the tiny device lit up and consumed my hours.       I recall years when technology wasn't as prominent in my life; I remember the DVDs and CDs that brought my family together. It's incredible how much has changed. I had my first iPod when I was in grade 4. I played all the games that were trending: Temple Run, Flappy Bird, Piano Tiles, and more. Since receiving that first device, I had iPads, desktops, and laptops. I consider myself a good caretaker of my devices. I still use my Macbook Pro that I got for my 10th birthday.          As guilty pleasures, I like to watch videos on TikTok and YouTube, post pictures on VSCO, find inspiration from Pinterest, and read online on AO3. I used to obsess over social media like Snapchat, Instagram, and Facebook, but I'd g

Who Am I And What Do I Know About Blogging?

  Hi, my name is Justine.  I am in third-year BEd Middle Years student at the UofR, en route to pre-internship this semester. A few fun facts about me: I speak three languages and a dialect, I am the eldest child, I love music and traveling, and I was enrolled in nursing before I transferred into education. I don't have pets, but that isn't a fun fact at all so I made sure not to add it to the list. I currently work as a DSW with Clare Parker Homes, a non-profit organization that provides support to people with disabilities. I am an advocate for love, kindness, and inclusion.  When it comes to educational technology, I already experienced and explored multiple forms as a student and as an education student. I remember using lots of digital platforms in elementary and secondary school such as Flipgrid, Bitstrips, iMovie, Zoom, and lots more. I also did a "Heure de Genie" learning project where we made blogs and uploaded YouTube videos in Grade 8. In my UofR courses, I

Making Words Come Alive

 Poetry is the clear expression of mixed feelings. - W.H. Auden Welcome to my first learning post.  In elementary school, a teacher taught us how to write identity haikus. I thought, 'This is kind of weird. How can I explain myself in so few words?' She'd explained the rules of haikus in detail, and I was lost even further. 'Now, I have to count the syllables and use nature in it too?' My teacher showed us a haiku she had written for herself, and I could not grasp how much of her identity she expressed in it until now. Her haiku included mostly images of the sun.  In high school, I enrolled in the Advanced Placement for English Language Arts-- a decision I am grateful I made. My teacher was the type students were scared of because her philosophies were strong, and she had strict teaching habits that made some students cry. On the first day, she prompted us to write diamante poems, about opposite topics composed of seven lines in the shape of a diamond. If you gue